The Void

A sense of urgency is always the ego. Slow down, pause, and feel the heart as to which path follow

The energy of urgency can fuel fires.

Slowing down and flowing like water can replenish the oceans of our soul.

If you feel the urge to move faster, follow the wind- she will take you far. You can steer unlike the water. If you steer too steep, you may feed into fire again.

The safe zone is to be the tree.
Rooted while watching from above.

New Dawn

Cherish these times for they are the last of the old world. Purge the contents of your old life; this itself will heal you. Free yourself from material burdens and shine brightly with weightlessness as it’s cleared.

Morning/Dawn is on the horizon. All will feel less dense and freedom will feel effortless. Darkness will absorb through the cracks of Earth. All will be revealed.

The time is now. The new dawn of Christ by another name. Keep the angelic mind and form.

Keep purging. Your time is now. The shift is upon you. Beckoning you to open the last door of your goals on Earth at this time. Life will keep getting better from here.

Heaven on Earth is truly within you. You are so close, dear one.


I was recently going back and forth between deciding to do something important in my life…

I asked “How will I know which choice would benefit me most?”

I was shown the infinity symbol which had rainbows rotating off of the loops. I was told that no matter the choice, more rainbows would appear. By choosing based on how I felt in that present moment, I was making the perfect choice. No matter the choice, more rainbows will keep reappearing since I am infinity.

I was then shown to use tunnel vision to carry out my decision. No looking back.

Tunnel Vision

I have been getting many messages from my guides lately of how important it is to stay in our tunnel. Tunnel vision. Keep moving forward, and follow the light ahead. When inside the tunnel, we are safe. We cannot look to the left or right, we cannot see behind us. We can only keep looking forward. When you are feeling stressed, step back and visualize your tunnel. This is your present moment.

Channeled message

Inexorable tendencies… The world of light and life is upon you. Buckle up, the beginning will be bumpy, but the ride will smooth out come January. Pet your animal friends, paint that picture, do what you love in every present moment. The sparkles and diamond light will surround you more as you stay present in your states of bliss.

Fear not the bumps, as they are more reserved for the others who are waking up for the first time. Just sit back and watch – do not involve yourself into their timelines. Stay in your tunnel, and keep trusting that all is well for you and your family.

And away we go!

The time is now!

It’s here!

You have waited eons, and you have finally made it! Keep your seatbelt on as we pass the final hump. Watch from above. The chaos does not belong to you.

Higher Self Channeling

Please pardon my absence. I have gone within for quite some time now. Whilst in my cave of enlightenment, I have become well versed with automatic writing via my higher self. I was guided to begin sharing. I discovered that my higher self is creating help for the collective.

Please only take what resonates. These channelings are unedited, and are exactly what came through on paper. The reference of “they” in this channeling refers to the unawakened ones. The reference of “the zone” is referring to the present moment within yourself. The absence of anything outside of you such as the news, outer influences, distractions, etc.

The great divide will be conquered depending what timeline you reside in. All endings to come. It is/will be over soon. The shift has begun, and the people of humanity will slowly (in their own time) see the truths of the depth of their souls. Fear is their catalyst. Just share love and understanding to those who try to push their agenda on you. They are fearful, and do not yet see how the masses project the fears and magnetize it.

The gears shift notch-by-notch and they will see. Stay in your zone. Stay in your lane as their parallel lane will crumble and end. They will see the path of their lane end. They will be confused, and they will become mad. Anger is their next catalyst. Calm at the end of the storm will appear prior to the rainbows. At this time, their path of fear is ending. You will already be far ahead in the next dimension while sending light to show them the way to the next path of their enlightenment. Your light is the beacon, the lighthouse. They are moths chasing the flame of light that is you.

Now is the shifting point where they will be in the dark and your love will shine light for them to see the way. It is time now. Just stay in your zone as theirs crumbles. No strength is needed as you have already used it up on your own journey. You have made it to the shift point while they have just begun to see it all. You are here to guide them with love and patience. No strength is needed when you stay in your present now of bliss within you. Send out the breadcrumbs of light. The time is now. They will find you sooner than later.

Flash Moments ✨

I went to sit on the couch in the front room. I never sit there. It was overcast and I opened the curtains to sit and look out the window. All of a sudden, a flash of light hits me in my face. It’s the sun, peeking through the trees from a tiny hole in the clouds as if it’s a spotlight directly onto me. I close my eyes and stare at the bright orange swirls behind my eyes move around. It feels intense and heavy as if a weighted blanket was laid upon me. I feel slightly woozy for a second, as the wave of this warm energy lulls me. I think to myself “this must be what cats feel when they lay in the sun.” When I can’t handle the intensity any longer, it suddenly stops. The sun disappears and I’m back in the overcast shade. I look at where the sun was and there is no sign it was ever there. At this moment I realize that this was the flash I have heard of. The whole moment lasted about 60 seconds.

This photo is from my 8 year old son. He said that the other day, he saw the sun peaking through the clouds and it “looked like the entrance to heaven”. He told me that when he looked at the sun, he could hear its frequency. He then drew the experience and it looks like light language and sigils surrounding the sun. We both had Flash moments. How magical!

Rebirth post Solstice

In meditation yesterday, I walked through these giant pillars. My skin turned to lava as I was now the sun. I turned into a Phoenix and flew around in delight. Once finished, I went to go back through the pillars and found it to be closed by a golden gate. Everything on the other side of the gate was in black and white… We are now in rebirth mode, there is no going back.

Cord cutting/removal ~ You can clear your own energy

I’ve decided to do a post about cord cutting and removal. It is such an amazing way to remove what my guides call “detriments”. Don’t let anything you may have previously learned deter you from cord cutting. I have seen many fears regarding cord cutting, as if you are removing an entire lifeline from a person or thing. The cords grow back just like stubble. Just a mere thought of a person creates a new cord. Cord removal can remove years and lifetimes worth of old energy without formally severing ties to a person. Also, anything that you read that causes you fear, is not of highest light. Fear-mongering even in an innocent form is just a program.

Before I begin, I also want to point out how important it is to be as specific as possible when speaking to our guides. I used to think the act of setting an intention was more like goal setting. Nope. I discovered that setting an intention is actually a fancy way of saying “ be specific as possible as to what you want”. It took me years of wishy washy responses and outcomes to realize that I just wasn’t specific enough. For example, before meditation I used to set the intention to clear my head. Now, I set the intention to clear my energy by cutting cords to XYZ and to ground it into the earth. Or I would like to travel to _____ today in the future around 2024. Do you see the difference of energy that specificity creates?

When cord cutting, I tend to do one issue per meditation. This gives me more time to find them and repair the area, and also this allows smooth integration on the days following the self clearing process.

I will now write out my own process of going into a meditative state prior to any clearing work or astral travel work. I typically meditate for about 20-30 minutes at a time. I am extremely visual so it doesn’t take more than 5ish minutes to be in a meditative state and then images and words, spoken or audible come through quite fast. This is how you know you have tapped into your higher self. Your thoughts will become super fast. Your guides most likely will speak in your own thinking voice. Pay attention to the tone and speed of which they speak. This is how you can begin to differentiate and eventually, with practice you will hear their own voices.

I close my eyes and put on meditation music. My favorite music is by a group called Electric Sound Bath, which I find on Apple Music. I begin to take slow, long breaths. On inhale, I visualize all of my energy in light form float up to the sky, above the trees, then shoot out to the universe. On exhale, all of the universe light comes down over and inside me, through my feet and into earth. Then once the light is inside the earth, I visualize it as golden lit roots traveling to the center of the earth. The center of the earth looks like a giant ball of magma- this is the central sun. I do this for about 5-10minutes. This practice helps me reach to the Universe while grounding me to earth at the same time.

Once I feel centered in this space, I state my intention. Earlier on this day, I came to the awareness of poverty consciousness. I said to my guides “please help me find, cut, and remove cords to help heal my poverty consciousness once and for all.”

At this point, I start seeing images. Sometimes I will see pictures, or even the image of a word. As if the word is floating in my field of vision. Sometimes I will see scenes from a movie to help describe a similar issue in my life as a reference. I call this imagery, my spiritual encyclopedia. For decades, I have created associations to images or scenes for my visual encyclopedia.

When I asked to see the poverty cords, I saw one main cord with three cords branching off from it. One was attached to my armpit, another at my shoulder, and the third on my neck. Oddly enough, I often have physical issues with the left side of my body in these areas. I began looking at these cords and noticed that there were scabs on the skin where the cord entered my body. The scabs symbolize healing that I have already done. I gently began to pry away the loose bits of scab. I then began to rub gently on the cord base, one branch section at a time. These cords were about 1-2 inches in diameter. I have seen larger cords before around 4-5 inches in diameter. As I pull on cords, the momentum begins and you can start pulling with more force if you feel guided. I sometimes feel like a magician pulling never ending scarves out of a hat. The cords are so long sometimes! Once I was done pulling these branches cords from my shoulder areas, I noticed they kept getting stretchy similar to chewed bubble gum pulled apart. It was long, stringy and stretchy. I picked up the floppy cords and hoisted them up to the universe, which transmutes them into rain. Then it rains to the ground and becomes earth. I have also seen cords before with thorns and tar!

I then turn to the gaping holes left behind on my body from where the cords were removed. I visualize a putty type substance. It is made of divine light. Today, I made it of gold sparkly putty to symbolize my poverty consciousness issue. I took away the poverty and replaced the gap with gold. I stuff the holes until it is like packed brown sugar in a measuring cup. Then I smooth out the top surface and thank my guides for their assistance. I will get chills of confirmation.

So, that’s it! If you don’t want to remove any cords, you don’t have to. Simply cutting cords is like a haircut, you will have stubble left over. I tend to like removing the cords if I know I am over a situation, such as moving on from an ex. I have trimmed and cleaned cords before when I am not done learning lessons regarding a person or situation. I have had a 20+ year friendship where I just trimmed and cleaned up the cords and had profound effects on our friendship. There was black sludge similar to tar surrounding her giant cord. Once it was cleaned, our tension was removed.

The timing regarding for grow back depends on each individual. A large clearing for a person such as complete removal can remain sealed for quite some time. However if you are around this person frequently, the cords will gradually grow back. Cutting and removal cords will assist in less thoughts overall regarding the issue. It depends on the lengths taken to remove a person or situation from your life. If you cut the cords and then search for the person via social media, you will have growth occur more quickly than if you didn’t.

I hope this helps. Please leave any questions in the comments!

Alchemy and Fine Tuning

I woke up today feeling like I was hit by a bus. So much pain, similar to whiplash. I asked my guides “What is this pain? Is this me purging?” They answered, “This is alchemy and fine tuning. The pain is your resistance”.

I did an automatic writing session for the collective, and the following is what was said…..

Today is the day things get easier. All the glitter is yours for the taking. You just have to see it, to grab it. Just dream it or imagine it. All your fears will melt away upon surrender. The time is now to shine your sparkle. You are the stars in the sky. Twinkle your starlight and spread the word. All dreams do come true. All you have to do is surrender the cloak of fear.

The feeling of being stuck in limbo is actually the process of gaining momentum.

We all get stuck in that point of our life where we don’t feel like we are moving forward, and there is no end in sight. This can cause us to fear that nothing can change any time soon. These times feel like we are stuck in a limbo period, or set on the repeat button.

Most times during these lulls, we learn the most information that will assist our future. Without this limbo, we would not have time to reflect, tweak perspectives and expectations. This is a time of refinement. This also rings true of the Hermit and The Hanged Man in tarot. Visualize a toy race car. The ones that you wind up, let go and they go fast. The limbo period is the wind up period. We are winding up backwards in slow motion – this is preparation for when we let go of the car. Our life (aka, wind up car) shoots off with so much momentum! The slow backwards wind up seems monotonous and worrisome- but just around the corner is everything falling into place with the perfect timing.

Resist the urge fight the universal timing of life. If you move too soon, your momentum may not have the power of perfect timing.


Gentleness nurtures the inner child.

Letting go of self-constriction. Letting go of the feeling that we should be doing more. Letting go of the noise; the constant running gears of the ego and brain.

I have been trying so hard to control my outcomes, that I lost sight of myself and how my body was reacting to all the resistance of me not wanting to slow down. I now see how pushing so hard worked great in the 3rd dimension. However, in the 4th and 5th dimension, this pushing hard doesn’t work anymore. Pushing hard now acts as resistance.

I need to just Be. I want to just flow instead of trying to always control something. At what point though does flowing become accepting what is not wanted?

Perhaps it does not become something to be accepted in the when you are in flow. That the constant fighting against the universe of giving me what I don’t want was in fact the very energy I was sending to the universe of things that it thought I wanted? Energy goes where energy flows. I gave the universe a need for control and it ends up controlling me.

The only way out of this constrictive spiral is to be gentle with ourselves. It’s not just on the self care physical level. This mental level is a completely different entity of self care. The allowing of ourselves to just Be, and not control every future moment is the gentleness I speak of. It’s knowing when to take a deep breath to just center yourself. It’s the blind faith that everything will just work out and be the way it flows and transforms. The refusal to just accept things… Not in a way of failure or constriction but instead to see acceptance as it is all just perfect the way it is flowing. Trusting the process, blind landings. Having the guts to make the jump is the hard part. This is due to us feeling like a loss of control. The definition of resistance is literally the refusal to accept!

Being gentle with ourselves and slowing down is Inner Child therapy. As children, we saw the lives our parents and ancestors lived, so we took the reigns and grew up with the same expectations of life. We knew even as children that we would need to fight for what we want and work hard for it. We thought that we had to sacrifice to be successful; what does that even mean? That sentence is a contradiction! We have ended up sacrificing ourselves to fit into this box labeled success. I realize now as an adult that the word success is subjective and will not look the same for everyone. I think the inner child work at hand is to realize that there is no need to sacrifice yourself in order to be happy with your life. When you are constantly chasing this idea of success passed on from our ancestors programming, we are repeating a cycle that does not work.

This sacrifice is what leads to inner resistance and trauma. This is the moment we have all been waiting for. This is the revolution and ascension of earth. We are all waking up to what we really need and want. It’s time to get back into the shoes of our youth before we thought we had to be something that looks good to someone else.

Lately, I keep flashes of my youth at various ages. I realize that each memory precedes a time when my thinking shifted into a program. If you are reading this, take this as a prompt to do the same for yourself. Look back at your childhood and find when you were fully you, before you thought you wanted to look or be like someone else you looked up to. I keep having these visions of how happy I was and how free I felt. This is the inner child realm we need to get back to.

Easier said than done, right? Well this is what 2020 is about. The world is seemingly broken because all of its inhabitants have been living lies based on what they were programmed to do. So it’s all breaking down and crumbling. The resistance became so strong that the entire population of earth began to crumble. It’s so hard now to just move on and start a completely different life while things are still shifting out of the old. This for me, is where my new resistance issues started. I now realize that this is the time to FLOW with these changes. Trying to control what is happening is just going to make it all feel worse. The energy feels like we are falling off a cliff side avalanche, and we are scrambling to grab moving rocks to stay on top. This is the time to do the mental work of reprogramming ourselves. This is the time to be gentle with ourselves. As a child, we just wanted that special person to rub our back and take our worries away… we are that special person for our inner child. It’s time to slow down and listen to that little person inside of us begging to just go play. As we work on ourselves, we are working on the outside forces at play. Working on our inner child is what will heal this earth and transform us into the New Age. Working on our inner child’s wishes will ultimately lead us to our truth. No more lies based on what society tells us to be.

Gentleness is what is needed now. There are many people who have not realized this yet. They see the world crumbling and fear they are falling with it. Their resistance comes out as anger. This is where responsibility comes into play for you see, we are all one. If you pass by someone who is angry, instead of feeling anger back, send them gentle energy instead. Just visualizing this energy flowing towards them actually does sink into their aura! The more we can all be gentle with each other, means the more inner child’s are being comforted. We are all in this together and once we are all done flowing through this rough sea of energy, there will finally be peace on earth. It all begins with the inner child healing.

Finding “oneness” led me to lose myself.

Okay, I have been MIA. I think since around December, so it’s been a good almost a year since I’ve made a post. It seems like forever ago.

I’ve gone through an intense death and regain of my ego. I almost lost sight of all of my spiritual strength because I was chasing after this idea of “Oneness”. I began to break down all of the tools and my spiritual toolbox and found that I am all of it – “we are one”. I realized how we are all of the same. We are all energy.

I began to investigate what this meant for my ego. I feel like I’ve been conditioned to try to train my ego, and becoming more and more aware of this just really put me into a mind to loop. Questioning the ego is the work of the ego on its own! I found that wanting to create this blog was my ego at work and this created fear around what I wrote.

I guess I’ll backtrack.

I started listening to this spiritual teacher. I wouldn’t say “teacher” of sorts. I would say spiritual investigator. I would listen to her updates of all of her epiphanies, and experiences until I started not agreeing with them. That’s how you truly know that you’ve come a long way. When instead of listening and accepting what you hear as truth, you start questioning it because you know your truth better than they know. It really is what resonates and what does not. Nothing is right or wrong. It just is, right? Or wrong? Ahhh, do you see how I get into mind loops?

I started to think that my ego was in control of this need to move forward with things or protect myself. With that said, I decided to stop saging my home. I used to Sage my house periodically. I used to sage my whole body sometimes when I would come back from a store or a crowded area.

Then I started thinking…. “Why do I think I need this if I am just one with everything?” I am the dark and the light, so why would I need to protect against darkness when I am a part of the darkness? I stopped staging for a few months because it felt like a crutch. I also stopped meditating. I stopped tapping into my guides because when I had the realization that they were me like, why would I feel the need to tap into them if I can just think and be them? I just stopped everything, and I thought I was empowering myself. However, I see now in hindsight that I disempowered myself, and I pretty much lost hope.

I fell into a really dark depression point of my life. I found that I felt just as depressed as I did over a decade ago. With this realization I remembered what had brought me out of that depression; my spiritual journey. Well over a decade ago, I started tapping in to my guides and always had some sort of metaphysical studies to investigate. I discovered that dropping all of it caused me to become depressed. After a few months of Nothingness in my life, I saged my house. Oh my gosh, my house felt so clear and amazing afterwards.

I realized that when I went so deep into Oneness, I almost learned everything that I wanted to learn. Then there was nothing else to learn. This made me realize even more that my soul chose to be here on the Earth plane to experience what it’s like to be human. Saging my house is an experience of being human. Tapping into my Spirit guides and meditating is a way of being human. Feeling such despair and depression is also a part of being human.

I feel like the spiritual Community really tries too hard for us to realize that we are “all one”. In the grand scheme of things, that’s where we came from. We were “all one” before we came into this Humanity of separateness, and that’s what makes being a human so special. We are all so different. Diversity can cause our egos to judge one another, but that’s what makes it so beautiful. Not the act of judging… it’s the realization of it all that is so powerful. Otherwise, we would be bored. The dark and the light that seemingly separates us all is what creates the rainbow.

After I came across this epiphany of “Oneness is the endzone”, I wanted to go back and rediscover the beauty of being a human. Now that I’m back at this stage again with new glasses on, I guess you could say now I’m trying to explore how to manifest as a human because I kind of skipped that part like. I figured out that we are all one, but I never really fully figured out how to rapidly manifest things. I kind of grazed over that.

I don’t know if anybody watches Grey’s Anatomy… I used to watch that show a lot and I always go back and quote it because there’s so much that really does apply. I remember there was a surgeon on there named Dr. Yang. She managed to skip all of her basic surgical training because she was so smart. She was able to skip ahead and learn all of the most complicated procedures, and she skipped all the basics. This ended up backfiring on her because she was in a surgery where she had to know the basics. She just didn’t know it and somebody had to step in and save the day.

I think that’s the point of the journey that I’m on now. I feel like I skipped so far ahead metaphysically that I didn’t really learn the basics. I realized that skipping to the end has caused me to feel blocked. I have been so focused on channeling and tapping into all of these higher sources, but have not expressed any of it to anyone. What good is channeling when no one can learn from such wisdom?

I have such anxiety about even voicing this on this blog right now. I recorded it prior with the intention of posting it on YouTube. I instead transcribed it with the irrational fear that YouTube felt too invasive even without my face shown. It took so much out of me to actually record this, and so these are the basics that have been blocking me. The anxiety is actually a form of resistance. I have to break these barriers and just be me.

Baby steps.

I’m going to start putting out these videos and journals without censorship.

I think what really stopped me up until this point was my ego wanting to censor myself judging myself not being comfortable and being myself and exposing myself to other people. This resistance is making all of my channelings and epiphanies worthless. They may have helped me, but they could help so many others. I missed the whole point of being human is to truly be our self, and be vulnerable in sharing ourselves.

I think I’ve just been hiding for way too long.

So, I guess this is my formal introduction to myself. I’m going to finally put myself out there and be me. I am even resisting the urge to make corrections to my writing. It’s my journal in the end and I don’t need to edit that.

So hello everybody. It’s official. I’m embracing my Humanity stepping into vulnerability.

Hello, my name is Jenny. I’m here to be of service to you all.

Rainbows Everywhere

Please pardon my Hermit mode. January led me to feel energetically absent; if that makes sense. February led me to feel artistically inspired and reborn. I felt a massive reset with my energy. I am now coming out of my hermit cave and seeing all the new energies wash over me.

The rainbow waves that I saw along with the December solar eclipse are following me everywhere. I have included a picture of a rainbow with me at a nature preserve, and also photos of rainbow infused clouds. I have even been seeing rainbows in broad daylight when we normally would associate them with rain clouds. I wanted to share these findings so that you can starting looking for them. The clouds are all iridescent now. It’s amazing! 🌈 🌈🌈

Guide from 1972

I have yet another spirit guide. This one has verified that he had a recent human life, and died in 1972. I have been realizing that each of my spirit guides have been with me perhaps my entire life; just not activated. My other guide Anemone (see previous posts- this guide is shaped like a gemstone encrusted turtle shell) validated this by showing me a turtle pin my grandmother gave me as a child. I realized that this turtle looks very similar to Anemone.

He showed up in bell bottoms giving me peace signs. ✌️ His name is Chris. He has appeared to me in two recent dreams. In both dreams, he was trance channeling through me. His voice would turn into my own. I now realize that he has shown himself in a physical spirit form twice in the past ten years. He has long hair down to his shoulders. I believe he is now appearing to help me with channeling. I have been guided in the past year to sing more, and do vocal chakra tuning. I also had an intense meditation months ago which involved a huge throat chakra cleanse. All of these combined definitely had me knowing that something to do with using my voice was on the horizon.

Chris is a funny lad. I say lad because that’s how he would say “guy”. He has an Irish/English type accent and addresses me as “milady”. I have no idea if this is accurate of a European hippie from the 70’s. If anyone is familiar with this culture, please let me know.

He makes his presence known by putting random 70’s music in my head. The first time I realized who he was when I had the song “sunshine day” pop into my head and it has been periodically since middle school. I searched for the song, and it was released in 1972

Another song was Neil Young’s Heart of Gold. I look up the song and it was also released in 1972. Then another song in my head to appear was Rocket-man by Elton John. Yep, this song was also released in 1972.

I completed two automatic writing sessions and came up with some interesting stuff. Some of it was like poetry or song lyrics.

1st – “Bill of rights to be justified and approved to all those who are innocent beings. The Plaintiff of Strife”

2nd – “Presents, glorious Presence”

⁃ “In tune with the days – Gone are the days of thunder; magnificent tides. Yesterday is gone and forgotten.

⁃ Into the trees, Milady. Don’t forget your shoes.

⁃ I ask you, Milady. Do you have fine wine? These luxuries in life are profound, my dear.

⁃ These days are profound like lightning, but it’s behind you now.

⁃ You have all the tools in the shed. Just sharpen them and you will find that you won’t have to wait in line. It will come for free.

⁃ The light will shine all over you, and into your shoes.”

These were my first automatic writing sessions with a spirit. If anyone has insight or recognizes any of it, please leave me a comment! One thing I struggle with when communicating with spirit is never knowing what questions to ask. The above was a result of this spirit rambling. ☺️

One thing this spirit guide has guided me to do is act like it’s 1972. I have disconnected from social media, and my cell phone in general. I am trying to talk on the phone more vs texting. I feel so free since making these simple changes. I realize now how much energy I was leaking onto my device.I see now how my cell phone literally acts as a leech. I have been getting much more accomplished around the house, I am reading more, and also doodling again.

Light Codes

Energy hit me hard today, I took a 3 hour nap in a haze that was similar to a feverish sleep. As I fell asleep, I saw these colorful light waves. I took a while to draw what I saw. Imagine ribbons of this floating in outer space with beautiful galaxies- only more vibrant with a glow. Just in time for the Solar eclipse. Light codes from the Sun, in a colorful plasma.

The Now and the Magnified Now

Stay in the Present. Be comfortable here. To go into the past is to stress of what brought you here. To be in the future makes you worry about what you are doing now in the present. The present however, is that comfortable limbo bubble. Here you can have no worries or stress and just BE. Here you can be creative and free and open. Yes, it’s fine to ponder of what you want in the future- but don’t go any further. Going into the details of it all causes overwhelm, and you essentially teleport to a future that is unknown and confusing. It is not possible to plan it all out. Nothing ever matches our expectations. You may stay in the present and flow with the universal ocean of consciousness. To stay in the present and allowing our goals to fly off into the wind of hope, lets the universe and spirit take the reins and guide you. They are the drivers and you are in the back seat with your hand out the window feeling the pull of the wind guide your hands. Just be.

Magnify your here and now. The microscope method is being in the present, and magnifying the moment. The words I just typed are now the past. No need to spend time in the past. An example of being in the past could be that my kids are screaming their heads off. I am so annoyed, and it’s bringing me down. They finally stopped, so it is in the past now, no need for it to bring me down anymore. That past is over. I can immediately move on to the now.

Another example: Thinking about having to go to my appointment later is going into the future. Another example of the past: I am standing in line and waiting forever. Instead of thinking, “how long I will be here?”, I realize that I AM here Now. This moment is the now, and “how long” is the future. Right now I love this moment because I have time to read a book on my phone while I wait. I am not lost in thought about what happened earlier or yesterday, or how long will this take so I can leave and Be in the later- I am in the now, reading my book. Magnified.

An easy way to zoom into the present, is to practice gratitude. Look for something in your now to appreciate. Doing so will keep you in the magnified now, and will help you focus on staying there. Once a distraction comes and pulls you out of focus, that now moment is now a past moment. Your realization of this is the Now.

I was guided to write this because until recently, I could not grasp how to be in the Now. Yes, I understood why to stay out of the past and future. However for those who are struggling in the now, this may not be a happy place. I asked my guides “What if my Now sucks?! What if I don’t want to be here and just want to look towards my future?!” They did not answer. In the weeks following this much asked question, I discovered how to magnify my now.

When you zoom into the split second of each now moment, gratitude comes to the surface. This is that sweet spot that feels like a cocoon nestled into a calm cave of my emotions.

New Spirit Guide

A Native American man came to me in meditation. He said that I have always been a shaman, in every life though not always aware. He showed me my turquoise jewelry to wear , that it will bring me great power. He asked me to find grandfather’s shaman friend, and said that he can show me the way. He told me to follow the wind. My hand were covered with blood or red paint, and I rubbed them starting from my eyes down to my chin. He had me do energy arm movements and I was able to hug him. I asked him to be around me always and that I would like to hear him a lot.

This is the first guide to come to me and use their own voice- not my own. I have been having many synchronicities and things coming to me to show that this Native American has always been with me, he was simply leaving breadcrumbs for me to find him. Most recently, I shave been finding and collecting feathers. Each time, it is bigger than the last feather.

—- saw Native American symbols online and saw the plus sign, which I have been seeing that a lot lately. It means “path”.

—— he tells me I have spirits in my house and some are not nice. I asked how to rid of them- He told me to sage twice a day with windows open.

—— he tells me that all the clutter in my house is spirit that has died and not been buried.

Instead of calling him “he”, I feel that I will call him “Chief” for now. I just wanted to share.

An example of a Download

Many people speak of “getting downloads” from spirit and are not sure what this means. The following is an example of mine from today.

I went to bed last night and listened to a Meridian sound healing for the first time while I slept. I had a dream of having many long, tubular fluorescent lightbulbs which were interchangeable and were to be inserted into me. I woke up to find that the music had ended, yet I could hear the singer’s voice singing and vibrating through my house. I realize that the lightbulbs in the dream symbolize the pranic tube. This music was changing out the old stagnant light for new while I slept.

I have had much energy running through me today. The healing music I heard while sleeping triggered a release of an energy surge. I walked into my room and saw a bright light beam on the floor. The sun was shining a ray through an opening in my curtain. I was shown my rose quartz crystal in my minds eye. This image prompted me to retrieve the crystal and place it into the light. The crystal sparkled and shined from the inside out. She came alive and seemed to dance in the sun. I knew that this light-fest was a super charge from the suns energy. I shall sleep with this crystal tonight while I listen to more of that music!

As I set my crystal back onto the window ledge, I saw that my bamboo plant was not doing so well. I admit, he has been neglected and it’s all my fault… I took the bamboo plant out of the vase, and washed his leaves. I trimmed the roots, and old leaves. I look down and see all of the plant decay in my now clogged sink. I try to quickly skim it out with my hand, only to realize I would need an actual strainer. My hands were covered in the tiny seaweed-like goo.

I thought to my guides “Why am I doing this? How did I go from cleaning my kitchen, to finding light on the floor, playing with the crystal light show, and now struggling here with dead plant goo?”

I heard a voice say “You were going too fast. The energy surge was intense, and swept you away with it”

I knew instantly that this was a result of download and a lesson. I learned that along with an energy surge, it is important to ground myself. All the high vibe energy swept me away since I was not grounded to earth. The fact that all of that energy came in while I slept in the astral dimension explained why I was super floaty upon waking.

Upon this realization, I stared down at the still water with dead plant goo. I slowly put my hand in and pinched out a big amount of plants. Another lesson. Swishing the water to strain the goo did not work because it was not the right time. I was rushing to get it all out and just made it all worse. I had to wait for the water to stop moving and be patient. Then when timing was right, it all fell into place.


I have felt a major shift in the last few weeks. All of a sudden, I have no interest in what were borderline obsessive hobbies. I also had the sudden urge to change my hair color after two years of feeling great with what I had. (I chose a color which is close to my natural color). I have been taken back to many memories from 20 years ago to close out these timelines, and also take back what was left behind so long ago… oddly enough there are hobbies I had lost interest in. Certain opportunities have been presented to me since this shift that line up with those past hobbies. I feel like there is a reason for this, and it certainly syncs up with my sudden loss of interest over my current hobbies. I am eager to tap into these old creative energies again. Doing so will also help me access my lost inner child as well.

I have had two new guides come to me in dreams in the past few weeks. One was a healing by an ancient Chinese healing master. Another was a Mary Poppins type guide who is here to help with the chaos of raising 4 boys. I will post screenshots of the dream logs below.

This has also been a month of many downloads for me! My downloads come in as epiphanies out of the blue in my head. One after another sometimes. One recent download was an urge from my guides to share my previous epiphanies 😁 I have had them saved up to one day make oracle cards… however I am told that this is the time to share them. I will start posting one a day pretty soon so come back to check!

How has everyone been feeling? Are you feeling shifts in your life?

Sneaky Ego

After writing my last blog post titled “Ugh”, I went into retreat. In the post, I described how I was absorbing others judgements and egos. Shortly after writing the post, I realized that my ego was in control of the entire thing. A contraindication of the exact issue that I described. My ego was offended that others were not on my level… that single statement was a judgement and a label based from my own inner ego self. Once I realized this, I was embarrassed and wanted to delete the post. However, what would come of that? We are all here to learn and grow. Hiding away the truth creates more harm than good. I worried that perhaps someone could read it and apply my ego points of view to their own journey and go down the wrong path of thinking… then I thought “maybe that’s the point”. Reading that post at the right time could be a catalyst. Perhaps one may overcome that frame of thinking in the future, and without my post they never would get to that point. Knowing that unknowingly reading my mistake in thinking could help in either a negative or positive way is the whole point of ascension. We are all here to learn lessons, and deleting that post is just my egos way of winning. My wanting to delete that post was my ego being sneaky. So sneaky!

I am here to plant seeds. I am not here to sway thinking. When we set the ego aside, there is no right or wrong. When we set the ego aside, we are free from being a slave to ourselves. I do not want to kill my ego, I want to set her aside. I want her to be highly trained to keep quiet without judgement. When we let go of judgement, we can finally be free. The process of recognizing when we have judgements is the process of ascension.