
I was recently going back and forth between deciding to do something important in my life…

I asked “How will I know which choice would benefit me most?”

I was shown the infinity symbol which had rainbows rotating off of the loops. I was told that no matter the choice, more rainbows would appear. By choosing based on how I felt in that present moment, I was making the perfect choice. No matter the choice, more rainbows will keep reappearing since I am infinity.

I was then shown to use tunnel vision to carry out my decision. No looking back.

Flash Moments ✨

I went to sit on the couch in the front room. I never sit there. It was overcast and I opened the curtains to sit and look out the window. All of a sudden, a flash of light hits me in my face. It’s the sun, peeking through the trees from a tiny hole in the clouds as if it’s a spotlight directly onto me. I close my eyes and stare at the bright orange swirls behind my eyes move around. It feels intense and heavy as if a weighted blanket was laid upon me. I feel slightly woozy for a second, as the wave of this warm energy lulls me. I think to myself “this must be what cats feel when they lay in the sun.” When I can’t handle the intensity any longer, it suddenly stops. The sun disappears and I’m back in the overcast shade. I look at where the sun was and there is no sign it was ever there. At this moment I realize that this was the flash I have heard of. The whole moment lasted about 60 seconds.

This photo is from my 8 year old son. He said that the other day, he saw the sun peaking through the clouds and it “looked like the entrance to heaven”. He told me that when he looked at the sun, he could hear its frequency. He then drew the experience and it looks like light language and sigils surrounding the sun. We both had Flash moments. How magical!

Rebirth post Solstice

In meditation yesterday, I walked through these giant pillars. My skin turned to lava as I was now the sun. I turned into a Phoenix and flew around in delight. Once finished, I went to go back through the pillars and found it to be closed by a golden gate. Everything on the other side of the gate was in black and white… We are now in rebirth mode, there is no going back.

Alchemy and Fine Tuning

I woke up today feeling like I was hit by a bus. So much pain, similar to whiplash. I asked my guides “What is this pain? Is this me purging?” They answered, “This is alchemy and fine tuning. The pain is your resistance”.

I did an automatic writing session for the collective, and the following is what was said…..

Today is the day things get easier. All the glitter is yours for the taking. You just have to see it, to grab it. Just dream it or imagine it. All your fears will melt away upon surrender. The time is now to shine your sparkle. You are the stars in the sky. Twinkle your starlight and spread the word. All dreams do come true. All you have to do is surrender the cloak of fear.

Rainbows Everywhere

Please pardon my Hermit mode. January led me to feel energetically absent; if that makes sense. February led me to feel artistically inspired and reborn. I felt a massive reset with my energy. I am now coming out of my hermit cave and seeing all the new energies wash over me.

The rainbow waves that I saw along with the December solar eclipse are following me everywhere. I have included a picture of a rainbow with me at a nature preserve, and also photos of rainbow infused clouds. I have even been seeing rainbows in broad daylight when we normally would associate them with rain clouds. I wanted to share these findings so that you can starting looking for them. The clouds are all iridescent now. It’s amazing! 🌈 🌈🌈

Guide from 1972

I have yet another spirit guide. This one has verified that he had a recent human life, and died in 1972. I have been realizing that each of my spirit guides have been with me perhaps my entire life; just not activated. My other guide Anemone (see previous posts- this guide is shaped like a gemstone encrusted turtle shell) validated this by showing me a turtle pin my grandmother gave me as a child. I realized that this turtle looks very similar to Anemone.

He showed up in bell bottoms giving me peace signs. ✌️ His name is Chris. He has appeared to me in two recent dreams. In both dreams, he was trance channeling through me. His voice would turn into my own. I now realize that he has shown himself in a physical spirit form twice in the past ten years. He has long hair down to his shoulders. I believe he is now appearing to help me with channeling. I have been guided in the past year to sing more, and do vocal chakra tuning. I also had an intense meditation months ago which involved a huge throat chakra cleanse. All of these combined definitely had me knowing that something to do with using my voice was on the horizon.

Chris is a funny lad. I say lad because that’s how he would say “guy”. He has an Irish/English type accent and addresses me as “milady”. I have no idea if this is accurate of a European hippie from the 70’s. If anyone is familiar with this culture, please let me know.

He makes his presence known by putting random 70’s music in my head. The first time I realized who he was when I had the song “sunshine day” pop into my head and it has been periodically since middle school. I searched for the song, and it was released in 1972

Another song was Neil Young’s Heart of Gold. I look up the song and it was also released in 1972. Then another song in my head to appear was Rocket-man by Elton John. Yep, this song was also released in 1972.

I completed two automatic writing sessions and came up with some interesting stuff. Some of it was like poetry or song lyrics.

1st – “Bill of rights to be justified and approved to all those who are innocent beings. The Plaintiff of Strife”

2nd – “Presents, glorious Presence”

⁃ “In tune with the days – Gone are the days of thunder; magnificent tides. Yesterday is gone and forgotten.

⁃ Into the trees, Milady. Don’t forget your shoes.

⁃ I ask you, Milady. Do you have fine wine? These luxuries in life are profound, my dear.

⁃ These days are profound like lightning, but it’s behind you now.

⁃ You have all the tools in the shed. Just sharpen them and you will find that you won’t have to wait in line. It will come for free.

⁃ The light will shine all over you, and into your shoes.”

These were my first automatic writing sessions with a spirit. If anyone has insight or recognizes any of it, please leave me a comment! One thing I struggle with when communicating with spirit is never knowing what questions to ask. The above was a result of this spirit rambling. ☺️

One thing this spirit guide has guided me to do is act like it’s 1972. I have disconnected from social media, and my cell phone in general. I am trying to talk on the phone more vs texting. I feel so free since making these simple changes. I realize now how much energy I was leaking onto my device.I see now how my cell phone literally acts as a leech. I have been getting much more accomplished around the house, I am reading more, and also doodling again.

Energy coming in

Yesterday I got hit with an energy surge. I woke up in the morning, and it felt as if I hadn’t slept at all. I felt felt so blurry and floppy if that makes sense. After being awake for a few hours, I just had to go lay down. As I fell asleep, I saw ribbons of light codes moving around a galaxy scene. (See my previous post for the artistic rendition) I was in a daze, and slept for 3 hours. I knew that my guides wanted to work on me as I slept.

Today during meditation, I asked about this energy. I was shown a bunch of bow and arrows flying towards earth. These arrows are bringing in this energy fast. This is from the Solar Eclipse last night. I was shown that these arrows of fast energy will penetrate what looked like an amniotic sac surrounding Earth. Once opened, all of the energy will envelope us and remain. This sac is removed now, which means all the new energies to come in now will be received fast and easily. This was pretty neat to see.

Light Codes

Energy hit me hard today, I took a 3 hour nap in a haze that was similar to a feverish sleep. As I fell asleep, I saw these colorful light waves. I took a while to draw what I saw. Imagine ribbons of this floating in outer space with beautiful galaxies- only more vibrant with a glow. Just in time for the Solar eclipse. Light codes from the Sun, in a colorful plasma.

An example of a Download

Many people speak of “getting downloads” from spirit and are not sure what this means. The following is an example of mine from today.

I went to bed last night and listened to a Meridian sound healing for the first time while I slept. I had a dream of having many long, tubular fluorescent lightbulbs which were interchangeable and were to be inserted into me. I woke up to find that the music had ended, yet I could hear the singer’s voice singing and vibrating through my house. I realize that the lightbulbs in the dream symbolize the pranic tube. This music was changing out the old stagnant light for new while I slept.

I have had much energy running through me today. The healing music I heard while sleeping triggered a release of an energy surge. I walked into my room and saw a bright light beam on the floor. The sun was shining a ray through an opening in my curtain. I was shown my rose quartz crystal in my minds eye. This image prompted me to retrieve the crystal and place it into the light. The crystal sparkled and shined from the inside out. She came alive and seemed to dance in the sun. I knew that this light-fest was a super charge from the suns energy. I shall sleep with this crystal tonight while I listen to more of that music!

As I set my crystal back onto the window ledge, I saw that my bamboo plant was not doing so well. I admit, he has been neglected and it’s all my fault… I took the bamboo plant out of the vase, and washed his leaves. I trimmed the roots, and old leaves. I look down and see all of the plant decay in my now clogged sink. I try to quickly skim it out with my hand, only to realize I would need an actual strainer. My hands were covered in the tiny seaweed-like goo.

I thought to my guides “Why am I doing this? How did I go from cleaning my kitchen, to finding light on the floor, playing with the crystal light show, and now struggling here with dead plant goo?”

I heard a voice say “You were going too fast. The energy surge was intense, and swept you away with it”

I knew instantly that this was a result of download and a lesson. I learned that along with an energy surge, it is important to ground myself. All the high vibe energy swept me away since I was not grounded to earth. The fact that all of that energy came in while I slept in the astral dimension explained why I was super floaty upon waking.

Upon this realization, I stared down at the still water with dead plant goo. I slowly put my hand in and pinched out a big amount of plants. Another lesson. Swishing the water to strain the goo did not work because it was not the right time. I was rushing to get it all out and just made it all worse. I had to wait for the water to stop moving and be patient. Then when timing was right, it all fell into place.


I have felt a major shift in the last few weeks. All of a sudden, I have no interest in what were borderline obsessive hobbies. I also had the sudden urge to change my hair color after two years of feeling great with what I had. (I chose a color which is close to my natural color). I have been taken back to many memories from 20 years ago to close out these timelines, and also take back what was left behind so long ago… oddly enough there are hobbies I had lost interest in. Certain opportunities have been presented to me since this shift that line up with those past hobbies. I feel like there is a reason for this, and it certainly syncs up with my sudden loss of interest over my current hobbies. I am eager to tap into these old creative energies again. Doing so will also help me access my lost inner child as well.

I have had two new guides come to me in dreams in the past few weeks. One was a healing by an ancient Chinese healing master. Another was a Mary Poppins type guide who is here to help with the chaos of raising 4 boys. I will post screenshots of the dream logs below.

This has also been a month of many downloads for me! My downloads come in as epiphanies out of the blue in my head. One after another sometimes. One recent download was an urge from my guides to share my previous epiphanies 😁 I have had them saved up to one day make oracle cards… however I am told that this is the time to share them. I will start posting one a day pretty soon so come back to check!

How has everyone been feeling? Are you feeling shifts in your life?

Today…. ugh

I have had a rough energy day. I was feeling good until my coworker came to my desk to chat. I can read peoples energy so clearly. I feel like a sponge. Today, I felt like my soul had 3rd degree burns and just being exposed to air hurt me. Many people come to me to talk of things spiritual lately as if they can sense my light. My friends and coworkers are not aware of the Ascension. I mention it to them, but they are still skeptical about it all. When I point things out in regards to energy affecting them, they close up and retreat. It’s as if they are intrigued but not enough to research the subject. I feel so alone. It feels like everyone around me is on the surface, and I am deep into the depths of the ocean. I see and feel an entirely different world.

I have now been feeling all of their judgements. At first, I thought perhaps these are triggers. I thought that deep down these were my judgements. I’m not sure if that’s the case but it feels like it’s their own issues being triggered by me. When I speak to them I send love, energy, and bright light vibes.

For example, I feel them judge me when I can’t watch the same tv shows and movies as them. It feels like they think I’m some emotional wimp for not being able to handle watching violent, scary, or dramatic images. They comment on it kindly but do not hide the fact that I am different. One of my co workers calls me a “purist”. These types of movies/tv shows and the news not only cause me to feel negatively, but I know it also lowers my vibration. I stay true to myself, yet feel so isolated when it comes to having things in common with people. Lately, it feels like these coworker’s egos are on attack mode towards me and my ways.

It’s so hard to be a Lightworker. I know that I am here to spread my light and transform 3D energies into 4D & 5D. I wish I could bring others to my level of awareness, but I can’t. That’s not my job. It can only be subtle, and the simplicity of just spreading my light just by being me sometimes feels irrelevant- like it’s not making the impact I want it to. I wish I could just shake people who are still in the shadows of the matrix, and somehow immediately shift them into knowing. Instead I have to watch them shift slowly or not at all from sidelines. That’s where I start to feel judged, but I recognize that’s just my ego. My ego telling me that I’m not like them. That perhaps not knowing is pure bliss for them while I suffer alone. It’s one thing to be blissfully unaware of life’s challenges being soul lessons and evolution- it’s another to be aware of all of it and stare from above and being the only person who understands. UGH. I’m rambling now and I’m sure my writing is no where near professional- and that’s okay.

Today we had a long spike in the Schumann Resonance. It’s still going. I have been tracking how I feel during these spikes. Here is a link of where I check the status: https://www.mrmbb333.com/

Well that’s my rant for today. I am usually quite positive. Today was just ‘off’ for me. I will soon post an intro, some links to books that have helped me over the past decade or more, and an intro to my guides.

I am fighting the egos urge to overthink and plan this blog. I want to just journal as it comes to me and hopefully it will help someone. Bye.

P.S. I wanted to share this post from Instagram. It completely syncs up with what I was saying. Love it. 🤗

The Journey Begins

Happiness consists not in having what we want, but in wanting what we already have— Confucius

Welcome to all! I have been guided to post my spiritual journal so others can see it. For a long time, my journey of evolution was a lonely one. I had to learn many lessons on my own while feeling like an outsider. The vast amount of information on the internet has helped me over the years. I hope to be an inspiration to someone else, or at least help in some way. My plan is to blog all of my epiphanies, synchronicities, light codes, and visions that appear to me. Everyone is different. A big part of my starseed awakening was realizing how unique we all are. There is no need to compare ourselves to others spiritual gifts. It is nice however to see how they appear to others. For example, when I hear spirit/entities speak to me, it’s in my own voice. It took me years and years to realize this. Without being aware of this, I missed out on many messages.

I will make formal introductions in a future post.